Visited Cities

Inspired by Justin’s post, these are the cities I spent one or more nights in during 2009:

* were visited multiple times on non-consecutive days.

Bear Lake, UT
Boston, MA*
Cape Cod, MA
Eagle Mountain, UT*
East Wakefield, NH
Kaysville, UT
Monteverde, Costa Rica
New York, NY
Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Riverton, UT*
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Stony Point, NY
Washington DC

And for the previous four years… I think this is all correct.

Denver, CO
Eagle Mountain, UT
Island Park, ID
Logan, UT
Los Angeles, CA
New York, NY*
Orem, UT
Queens, NY*
Redlands, CA
Rigby, ID
Riverton, UT
San Diego, CA
Seattle, WA
Sacramento, CA
Wilton, CT*

Denver, CO
Eagle Mountain, UT*
Logan, UT
Los Angeles, CA
Minneapolis, MN
Provo, UT
Riverton, UT
San Diego, CA
Sacramento, CA
Seattle, WA
Vernal, UT

Austin, TX
Dallas, TX
Denver, CO
Eagle Mountain, UT*
Logan, UT
Los Angeles, CA
Minneapolis, MN
Moab, UT
Rigby, ID
Riverton, UT
Sacramento, CA
San Diego, CA
Seattle, WA
Vernal, UT
Washington DC

Cincinnati, OH
Cleveland, OH
Denver, CO
Logan, UT
Los Angeles, CA
Rigby, ID
Riverton, UT
Sacramento, CA
Vernal, UT
Washington DC

Las Vegas, NV
Rigby, ID
Riverton, UT
San Diego, CA
St. George, UT
Vernal, UT

See where I went in 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, and 2010.



  1. Kevin

    I bet in 2004 you weren’t thinking to yourself,

    ’ Gee in 2009 I’ll be in Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic.. Can’t wait for 2009! ‘