New Apartment

Justin and I spent the day today moving into the new apartment. I like it a lot. It was recently renovated and is very nice. It was originally intended to be sold as a condo, but for some reason or another it’s now an apartment.

To do the move Justin rented a truck from Zipcar and we then loaded all his stuff and what little I brought (boxes full of my stuff are in-transit) and, then, spent a long time in traffic.

It wasn’t that bad, but it was pretty stressful trying to get to the new place, unloading everything, then to IKEA to buy my loft bed frame, mattress, desk, chair, and bookshelf, along with silverware and other random kitchen and house stuff. Then, we had to get back to the apartment, unload everything, and drop the truck off at its parking spot before our time ran out (which costs a lot more money). We had to extend the rental 2-3 times, and still went over the allotted time (couldn’t extend again due to another person who had it scheduled). Traffic is terrible here, but we’ve established that before.

I know some of you are wondering what this apartment looks like. Never fear, I’ll take pictures when everything has been setup. That may be a few days. Right now, everything is a mess. I’m sitting next to the door to the apartment in my newly assembled chair from IKEA. I’m sitting by the door because that’s where I assembled the chair. From here I can see a fantastic mess. I like it, a lot. The chair, that is, not the mess.

New York, Moving


  1. Sabe Goodness! I will stop thinking traffic in Provo is bad when it takes me ten minutes longer than usual. :) Ps, I’m just grateful to have a really cool truck to drive.
  2. Ryan haha! I was wishing for my truck while moving, but am glad I don’t have it here all the time.
  3. Karen That’s way awesome!! You and Justin are living together?! Now that’s got to be a fun apartment!
  4. Kevin I did a case study about zipcar. Interstesting..