I want to code

I seem to go through phases. Some days, months, weeks, whatever I want to mess around with CSS and lots of design oriented things, although I’m generally not very good at design. Other times though all I want is to code code code (not CSS/XHTML code). For the last month all I’ve wanted to do is write code. Problem is, I’m in the middle of several design projects, but I can’t seem to get into them enough to get them done in any good amount of time! Give me a text editor and let me write code! No more data entry, CSS, tables, or Dreamweaver! No more HTML, XHTML, or CSS (well, unless needed for the following…). I want PHP. I want MySQL. I want JavaScript. I want to swing dance! But I digress, but I also can’t help it. I really love swing dancing. Anyway, I can’t seem to get myself to really put my full efforts into these other projects. While I don’t want this geek code phase to pass I really need to finish what I’ve started with the design projects.

I also need to get off my rear end and do something besides programming and swing dancing. I need to hang out with some people (preferrably girls) in non-dancing environments, but I digress. Skiing was fun last week. I need to get my film developed. I need a digital camera. Okay, I want a digital camera. I want to get my film developed. I need to go buy a USB key. Okay so I don’t need that either. What was I talking about again?

Web Design, Programming